Picture of me in suit.

Michael Huesman

Instructional Designer

Pursuing excellence in instructional design and development to assist organizations in supporting their staff and furthering their goals.



I am a learning experience designer with a background in training, instructional and curriculum design, and technology. My experience with mathematics has developed the skill of being able to approach any concept, break it down into its simpler, base components and see how they interact. My experience in education has enabled me to take that knowledge and make it understandable, attainable, interesting, and useful.

My process involves creatively thinking of solutions to novel problems and bringing together stakeholders, future learners, and SMEs to make it successful. I am able to adapt to change quickly and all of my processes are iterative.

I enjoy new challenges and puzzles. I played rugby for 8 years, coached it for 4, I am a hobbyist blacksmith, and avid learner of many things. I want to constantly grow which opens me up to take, and eventually become successful at, new challenges and continue to grow in things in which I have already developed a proficiency. I enjoy bringing together multiple concepts to make clearer the full picture.